Checklists (French):

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Französische Checklisten/French checklists:

Checkliste GmbH und UG-Gründung/Checklist for founding a GmbH and UG (französisch):

Checkliste Beglaubigung von Handelsregisterauszügen für das Ausland/Checklist for the legalization of commercial register excerpts for foreign countries (französisch):

Checkliste Online-Verfahren/Checklist Online procedure (französisch):

Fragebogen zu den wirtschaftlich Berechtigten einer Gesellschaft/Identification of the beneficial owners according to the Money Laundering Act (französisch):

(This image was transcribed using AI.)

Please complete the respective checklist on screen using Adobe Acrobat Reader or by hand and send it by post, fax, e-mail or bring it to us! Thank you very much!

Note: The checklist only serves to compile the necessary information. It does not replace a personal consultation. When submitting the checklist, please provide us with a telephone number where we can contact you. We will then call you to discuss the design and details of your contract and the further procedure with you.